Saturday, April 12, 2014

This BIM

This BIM

I was asked a series of questions for survey recently and as this is a subject matter that dominates my 24/6 life, so why not take the opportunity to provide a blog as well ?

What caused you to start using BIM ?
Have used the concept of BIM, Building Information Modeling, since 1985, when a Zoning Board needed information about a proposed building affect on adjacent lots. The answers were provided with the tasks I performed to demonstrate through electronic modeling, i.e. how the sun was to cast its shadows from that proposed building onto two neighboring built lots.  Have been a proponent of BIM always.

What factors can you share that distinguish your firm and the way you do things from others ?
Because many hearts recognize the mind, body and instinct seeks solace, inspiration, protection and comfort from, and because of, the structural shelters that house us, be they used for waking or sleeping activities, there is a design imperative that our imaginations recognize the solutions, and we build the results.

Wellness Center, Mother Earth

Have you found that clients come to expect more when you utilize BIM ?
Yes, even clients that rarely venture into the built world, expect their documentation to reflect modeled visualizations, accurate information, leading to perfected buildings, resilient and are near net zero energy consumption.

What do you think are the industry obstacles that do not allow the use of BIM? 

Lack of interoperability by software vendors, poor underlying clunky (software) programs by the same vendors, and lack of the big picture by some software developers.

Commercial break:    Cellstron

This BIM tool allows us to connect 24/6 to any linked location in the world, the question yet unanswered will we allow ourselves the power to decry climate change deniers and keep fossil fuels in the ground worldwide, while we fully employ the AEC industry to design and build responsible workable Net 0 e℠ structures in time?

1 comment:

earth_architect said...

BIM (Building Information Modeling) is a means for a building to accelerate accurately its own documentation and thus be a perpetually live entity, extending from inception, through its life's cycle, then reconstitution of its materials, for the betterment of the planet.

This happens through a process restorative environmental design. Concurrently crucial to the logistics of the BIM, is to have stand alone energy source islands present, to maintain the network's operational integrity.

Michael Scarmack, AIA
Scarmack Architecture |:-)