Saturday, June 23, 2012

See goodness all about us, chickens clucking, groundhog scurrying, bees a buzzing, hummingbird humming, fire flies lighting up the night air
Thank you good Creator for this day and your help to make this world safer and saner
Would U prefer to stand exposed to the protective canopies of Mother #Earth or succumb to mindless exploitive #fracking destruction, why?

Would U?

Would U prefer to be stand exposed to the protective canopies of Mother #Earth or succumb to mindless exploitive #fracking destruction, why?
We are part of the natural world in our humanness, yet some of this human species fail to understand this fact by the insanity of #fracking

Friday, June 22, 2012

Why are some so consumed to go a mile deep into depths of a pristine planet, then a tentacle spread filled with untold poisons do #fracking?

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Yesterday Kasich also signed #fracking bill & allows waste-energy recovery facilities to qualify as a form of renewable energy. What a joke!

Friday, June 8, 2012

Perhaps the media should suggest the USA is the greediest nation in the world, certainly to the 99% it is not the wealthiest. #OWS

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

....... perpetrate their form of greed on the lands we ALL inhabitant. #fracking
Mother #Earth will have the last say on the legislators that sold their souls to allow this invasive human-like species to ..... #fracking
Please forgive the #fracking men for their insensitivity to your vitality. Mother #Earth will have the last say on the legislators #fracking
Will miss my daily intake of your healthy purity, apolitical clarity, trickling sounds, sparkling appearance, tasteless wonder. #fracking
Goodbye Good Water, it was nice while you were here, 4 billion years worth. #fracking

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

thinking for a moment: do we need oil or soil? oil or air? oil or water? fracking thoughtlessness or inventive alternatives? dead or alive?

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Water sparkling on its way to restore tattered pine at edge of #earthen garden, light bright on face inhaling the cool of non #fracking air!

Saturday, June 2, 2012

Mother #Earth is a mentor to all of us. When we go home we go to her. Some of us when dead are buried, like coal, should stay so, so to coal
When the wind streams through the leaves the 2 speak to us. Today they say there is a monster on the way #fracking be weary not merry, hear?

Friday, June 1, 2012

You child make me one with your mother, it is you & your genes, you in your blood, you in your spirit, we are one, eternally indebted to you