Wednesday, June 24, 2015

“Whaddya want—an egg in your beer?"

"Engage a ★ beta tester?" you ask. Why yes, you are right.

ArchiCAD is the beer, and, the ★ beta tester is the egg. 
When it comes to ArchiCAD, that exactly is an advantage. 

Much of the commercially upgraded software in the world, runs through periodic alpha testing and then a subsequent beta testing. Beta testing will be performed often by the end user of a particular software to 'get the kinks out'.

The code written for software, which consist of commands, routines, and subroutines, in a specific computer language, (or shall we say a language the computer can interpret to its own language of zeros and ones) generally need editing, not unlike an architect's design.  The computer code may have errors, be flawed, cause crashes.

Meanwhile, you are confident the Firm needs an upgrade from the current CADD system, but how is the software alone going to provide more profit, such that the Firm reaches an advantage above the relentless AEC industry competition ?

That is where a consultant can assist you. One by creating multi-story and single story floor ArchiCAD template files. Two, using a series of in-house customized and defined tool favorites. "Favorites" that can be collected and comprised from the specific standards the Firm already uses, and has in the current electronic files. Beta-tested.

The ★ beta tester, in the case of ArchiCAD, examines a myriad of  issues, from hardware related bugs that are within hot-links, exported files, hardware configurations, to the appearance and functional bugs, to the ultimate profit stopper"freezes and crashes". 

A ★ beta tester's prized assistance can allow the user to create and document, her/his design more efficiently, resulting in potential prosperity for the Firm. With the benediction of the beta testers' embedded value, across time zones if need be, you may gain perks, formerly unrealized, until receiving this help.


Orientation Matters.  Potential prosperity for the Firm ? 

For instance, your Firm may be developing interior oriented, typical, metal or wood frame wall details. Imagine if the strategy is to fully develop these details not only in plan, but also in section and three dimensions (3D). 

Utilizing ArchiCAD Basic, Composite, and Complex Profile wall structures, residing in client’s Standard Wall Details named Files with put the users into an interstate speed zone. 

Graphisoft sought to test features in ArchiCAD 19 like the Tab Bar and Mac User interface.  As a long time Mac user, this interface feature really held this author's interest, and has become a MacBook Pro blessing.

Dimensions and Labels will definitely assist the end user providing countless assets, by way of help of you turning to an egg in your beer, the ★ beta-tester.

One thinks that the 'Surface Painter' AC 19 feature may become the most widely used incorporated routine, because of how good it is, just like gravy on the grits.  

The there are other Surface Area and Scheduling bonuses for you to use as well. IFC Enhancements for Firm wide welfare, positive, forward thinking changes.

The ★ beta tester informs how these processes can be incorporated.  

Keeping up with the competition "point clouds" are to be a hallmark in the 30 year old ArchiCAD software and will allow users the ability to compete and to create complete buildings from the imported vertical surveys.

Let this ★ beta tester know the worth of the Door/Window Settings User interfaces and improvements to Guide Lines by giving to him your account. 

Your testimonial may be the one he uses in his next blog piece. One long time ArchiCAD user who is fond of decrying the use of 'guidelines', may reverse his stand, after a few minutes of this drafting and design aid.

Worth the weight in Fort Knox gold is the Firms standardized Master Objects Library developed, then sometimes attached to the Master Template File via interactive legends, with creation ArchiCAD “objects" tools.

Comprehensive use of ArchiCAD zone tool can be useful to design for any facility, site or zoning condition.
Let the cream come to the top, while incorporating commonly used furniture pieces, imported from AutoCAD 3D files, to reside as ArchiCAD objects in a Master Furniture Library for your the client flavor of the day. 

A ★ Beta Tester does not fix a software defect, but is more than qualified to address work-flow to produce a project from concept test fits, to bid ready documents, for a complete ArchiCAD building information model database.

A ★ Beta Tester can demonstrate the advantage and necessary extras of ArchiCAD BIMx Hyper-models created and posted for client use on Graphisoft BIMx transfer site. 

Example BIMX Hyper-model shown here Use a hand held device to retrieve and review 2D plans.

A ★ beta tester deploys direction for use with ArchiCAD Cine-Renderer images which can be shown to be a godsend,  created for clients. 

S/he may use ArchiCAD Renovation Status, and, Trace and Reference Tools, extensively. You can too.

Some ★ beta testers help harness the boon to a firm to use ArchiCAD MEP Modeler assisting in creating a “Construct-ability” model, to correct clashes and conflicts like the computer programmer fixes crashes and defects.

This ★ beta tester created Near Net-0 Evaluation of prototypical super insulated enclosure structure,  knowing the ends and outs pressing into service  ArchiCAD's Eco-Designer.   Note the video file below,  contains sampling of a basic fly-around using onboard ArchiCAD commands.

The best ★ beta tester will have produced a Firm wide, adapt-able BIM ArchiCAD protocol form. Avail yourself to the form. Have the protocol form delivered directly to your email account, upon your request, from ★ Michael Scarmack, AIA ★.  (Click on name for email address.)

Scarmack has been listed by GRAPHISOFT as one of the top 20 of beta testers, world-wide, for ArchiCAD 19 Beta Testing, in June 2015.

Saturday, June 20, 2015

Read & React, Know and Act, Think & Do

From Pope Francis recent Encyclical LAUDATO IS ' (Praised be 'me' Lord) :

" 13. The urgent challenge of protecting our common home understands the concern to unite the whole human family in the search for sustainable development and integral, for we know that things can change. "


from Naomi Klein's recent commencement address at the College of the Atlantic, 'Climate Change Is a Crisis We Can Only Solve Together':

"We can only meet this tremendous challenge together. As part of a massive and organized global movement."

It is in "our union with God" (prayer) that the message of this movie 'In the Hills and Hollows' and the movie itself finds it presentation in every congregation about the world, be that Catholic or Protestant, Secular or Nonreligious, Jewish or Scientologist, Shitte or Sunni,  Agnostic or Atheist, Hindi or primal-indigenous, Buddhist or Chinese, African or Diasporic, Sikh or Tenrikyo, Juche or Spiritism, Baha'i or Jainism, Shinto or Cao Dai, Zoroastrianism or Rastafarianism, Pagan or Unitarian that all collective communities arise and refuse ecological exploitation on all earthlings evermore.

#Ban #Fracking #Globally #Now

Friday, June 19, 2015

The buildings are faceless, contrary to their corporate standing, lawless grey and black acts emerging from their corporate voices, leading #earth to tortuous days and nights of heat and hell.