Monday, November 12, 2018

11.11.18 Veterans Day

Veterans Day November 11, 2018 
is 100 years since World War I ended. 

There should be 
no war on earth
at any time,
any place, or
for any reason.

It is not without affection 
we recall all those killed 
or injured in war,
those who return, to 
their loved ones, 
their friends,
their enemies.

It is not the species destiny 
for a fight, be it
man against man, 
woman against woman.

Friends come to terms with war. 
All will come to change lives,
to seek peace,
to live in harmony on earth,
with each other, 
no matter 
our nationality, 
or our race, 
or our creed,
or our gender,
or our purpose here on our earth.

Our universal mission is to redeem 
ourselves from fighting each other, 
to look inwardly, 
to reflect on the nonsensical 
rational of making war,
then to act immediately,
save each other, 
all earthlings as well, 
our place on planet earth.

This day is of remembrance 
as we recall our grandfather,
our great uncle,
our father,
his sister and 
her husband,
our friends
listening to what 
they have taught us,
from their experiences in war. 
There is no redeeming value
 for one human to arm 
and harm another
Although, and even if,
 the intentions
 may be rationalized
in fighting, 
the purpose of life 
is always and forever 
to love.