Thursday, March 6, 2014

Call to Investigate "Frackgate"!

Call to Investigate "Frackgate"!

In the course of time truth always unfolds itself. In the case of fracking Ohio, time will elucidate those in favor of mining DEAD fossil fuels assisted in the ecocide of Earth.

The current administration and legislators has a sad history of transparency and good governance characteristics regarding the natural resources of the State of Ohio.

Time has a karmic quality, one surmises being on the wrong side of time results in negative karma.

"a man of good acts will become good, a man of bad acts, bad;

he becomes pure by pure deeds, bad by bad deeds;", Brihadaranyaka Upanishad.

Therefore we urge you to follow through with the full investigation, including public hearings, that Representatives Antonio and Hagan called for on the Administration and ODNR's plan to promote fracking in state parks.

There is solid evidence that our leaders were proposing a plan to collude with the industry that it is supposed to regulate, and it is the duty of this General Assembly to conduct a thorough investigation.

The toxic results of using hydraulic fracturing to extract natural gas have led to the contamination of drinking water, earthquakes in three counties that are or could be associated with fracking waste disposal, and dangerous explosions, among other issues -- right here in Ohio.

Our regulators and Administration are tasked with protecting our residents from the impacts of fracking -- not to working to promote it.

Time ... is not on Ohioans, nor Earth's side with fracking its lands.

1 comment:

earth_architect said...

Parts of the above post are composed by Food and Water Watch
( )
and addressed to the Speaker of the General Assembly in the State of OH, Gov. Kasich head administrator.

The body of the text has been added to both top and bottom....