Saturday, June 20, 2015

Read & React, Know and Act, Think & Do

From Pope Francis recent Encyclical LAUDATO IS ' (Praised be 'me' Lord) :

" 13. The urgent challenge of protecting our common home understands the concern to unite the whole human family in the search for sustainable development and integral, for we know that things can change. "


from Naomi Klein's recent commencement address at the College of the Atlantic, 'Climate Change Is a Crisis We Can Only Solve Together':

"We can only meet this tremendous challenge together. As part of a massive and organized global movement."

It is in "our union with God" (prayer) that the message of this movie 'In the Hills and Hollows' and the movie itself finds it presentation in every congregation about the world, be that Catholic or Protestant, Secular or Nonreligious, Jewish or Scientologist, Shitte or Sunni,  Agnostic or Atheist, Hindi or primal-indigenous, Buddhist or Chinese, African or Diasporic, Sikh or Tenrikyo, Juche or Spiritism, Baha'i or Jainism, Shinto or Cao Dai, Zoroastrianism or Rastafarianism, Pagan or Unitarian that all collective communities arise and refuse ecological exploitation on all earthlings evermore.

#Ban #Fracking #Globally #Now

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