Sunday, September 18, 2016

Can humanity save itself from humanity?

Today is the day after blasts occurred in Seaside Park, New Jersey and the Chelsea neighborhood of Manhattan, New York.  The authorities are at work looking for the minds of criminal intent, and agents are pondering the thinking of the acts, planning of the deeds, and the executing of the cruelty on humans.  The criminals hours, free of captivity are suredly numbered. Cameras, witnesses, perpetrator(s) boasting, makes capture of disruptive brainpower imminent.   

The Chelsea blast last evening occurring about 8:30 PM EDT, happened while I sat in the apartment, affectionately known as 'The Palace', in the neighboring borough of Brooklyn, with my sleeping grandson, and aided by an audible in tune baby monitor, his crib a few steps away. His parents were attending a theatrical event close enough to the blast zone to have to alter their planned path home. Yes, be it as it may, today the sights of both boroughs were active with busy streets and September Sunday hubbub. I think though it was not as so much normal as yesterday's normality.  Walking the streets of both Manhattan and Brooklyn earlier, I sensed the souls occupying the bustling bodies, subconsciously or otherwise, had 'what's next' on their minds.

How is it after all my years, and millennia of a race cultivating powers of peaceful thought, we as a species cannot persuade some people on the powers of calm comprehension amongst brother and brothers, sister and sisters, drenching each with the knowing of the dignity and tranquility of mixed sexes, of colored hair, of skin color, keen to a fact multitudes of shape and size can coexist freely? Are we all not spirits delivered from our mother's love vessel? Are the distractions of worldliness so occupying we dispel our truistical quests? Can not the sages of antiquity, the sacred scriptures of religions, the peering intellects of youth, the mothers of the world, persuade ourselves the urgency of peace?

My questions to myself add to my own uneasiness of venturing into Manhattan in the morning rush hour, having now an apprehensiveness to say the least, walking to an office building between 6th and 7th Avenues, slightly north of 23rd and 27th streets, the same avenues where blast and explosives detonated and were found.  Pondering ... so many evils beset the world presently inhabited by us, the humans.  My teenage inquisitive spouting to my father, "Dad, are most people good or are they bad?", sadly some days suggests to the later, sprinkled without complete lost hope, I may be misconceiving conditions. I dare not suggest any of this musing to our grandchildren, for to do so would so would be a grave muse. 

Contrary, I need inspiration of clarity of purpose and direct action to counter the #onemoreevilman syndrome people find themselves the world over.  I carry in this inner soul and spirit, beautiful, strong and joyful thoughts of zoetic space, a means to continually create a peaceful society, free from the corrupted forces constantly hurting us.

As I have done many times in the not so distant past, I peer westerly, out my upper floor window, to the left "Lady Liberty", to the right "The One World, Trade Center and Lower Manhattan" and ask myself, "which symbol is your heart's desire to emulate?". The answer for me is always the same. 

The symbol described as "Liberty Enlightening the World" isn't as easy to imitate going about life's work, play and study as it may appear with torched hand a blazed.  A bay away, from the 'Freedom Tower' one hears sad and crude notes clanging from the super tall spy tower fraught with a kind-less commerce below, unsuitable for the mass of seven plus billion, and a crying climate.  A symbol foreign to the deepest emotions, thought consciousness, and sacred signals, I maintain the tower is not a desired choice.  

I choose life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, and unto my dying breath, more for you than for me.  In the world's attempts to silence life, the universe has trumpeted a joyous unending confirmation, that assures me, the blast of one more evil man will ultimately be squelched. We will walk with our grandchildren's children with confidence, and say to them, the menace of mad men have been transformed by persuasion to live with an enlightened stature. We can save ourselves from ourselves.

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